Monday, 30 May 2011

How to Throw The Ultimate Viewing Party

Like most things in life, what you get out of The Ultimate Fighter is equal to what you put into it. So stop worrying about picking up the right dip or finding a buddy to watch with when all you have to do is sit down in your living room and throw a party. If you provide adequate viewing space, they will come, and they just might leave you the extra Miller Lites.

Do serve meat. Burgers, wings, meatballs -- the choice is yours but one of them needs to be there.

Do have a large flat-screen and HD cable. No one's ever wanted to party at the Playboy dorm room.

Do Febreeze the living room when everyone leaves. You'll alleviate the stink before it becomes a problem and avoid the mockery of lighting scented candles.

tell all attendees to bring beer. Your chances of running out are less likely and you'll hopefully end up will a few extra bottles of Miller Lite. You're hosting so you've earned this.

Do amuse yourselves with hilarious impressions of favorite fighters. Recommended: Rampage Jackson, Georges St-Pierre, Matt Serra. Not Recommended: Jeremy May, Jesse Taylor, Junie Browning.

Do plan for the party to start before the actual show. That way everyone will have arrived, settled and already be into their first Miller Lite by the time the show starts.

Do make sure you're current on all TUF info. It's completely unacceptable for the host to be unaware who won and who threw up during training last week.

Don't fight each other, at least not in the living room. You'll want to keep it in good condition for next week's party anyway.

Don't provide dessert, this is not a Real Housewives marathon.

Don't bring sand to the beach. If you know an actual MMA fighter, it's best to "lose" his invite, unless you plan to find out what happens if he disagrees with the judges' decisions this week.

Don't kick your friends out. Sometimes the loss of your favorite fighter from the competition can take some time and a couple of Miller Lites to fully process. Maybe have some tissues handy.

Don't wear pajamas. Just because you're the one throwing the party doesn't mean anyone wants to think about what goes on behind closed doors once the episode is over.

Don't play video games after. Youll likely still be in a heightened state of consciousness and more likely to accidentally throw your controller through your television screen.

Don't buy anything you havent had before. This is not the time to see what the hummus craze is all about.

You will, in all likelihood, need extra cheese dip.

Unless you're planning ahead for next week's party (which we all know you're not) you'll be on a time crunch, buy your Miller Lite pre-chilled.

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